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Several months ago we started discussing the possibility of offering yoga to our staff with Karla from the Contemporary Yoga Centre.  Now we are all enjoying ‘office yoga’.

The first class was held in the office, but because we are lucky enough to be Karla’s neighbours we had our second class in her yoga studio which is just across our shared driveway.

The two classes have been quite different. In the office based class we did simple stretches using existing office furniture. We used tennis balls to help loosen tight butt muscles and shoulders. Karla also showed us how to get in and out of our chairs to maintain good posture and ensure deep breathing.


Our second class in the studio allowed us to use some standard yoga props such as blankets and bolsters. Karla showed us some challenging balancing exercises, one of which was where we walked on and off our bolster, sometimes with our eyes shut. It amazed a number of us as how much sight really helps keep us orientated.

Lying back, fully supported by the bolster, with a blanket under our heads, at the end of the session, gave us a good chest opening and a chance to fully take in the benefits of the class.

Yoga is great for our mind and bodies. Karla is putting some fun stuff into our sessions too which is great for team building. Members of our team say  “I achieved more in the afternoon, which seemed to fly by” and, “it was fun – a good bonding activity.”








Wendy James