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Here are our FireNZ Top 5 Presentations

If you missed the FireNZ 2015 conference the conference PowerPoint are now uploaded to the Fire Protection Association Website

Here is our pick of the top 5 PowerPoint presentations:

Geoff Merryweather – The bomb in the Basement
Geoff looks at the current regulations surrounding the use of gas fired equipment in basements, what happens when things go wrong and international best practice. His presentation can be found here.

Peter Whiting – Testing Performance and Standards for Internal Surface Finishes
Peter looks at the testing standards for surface finishes used in New Zealand in the past and currently and how they represent reality. He also examines how they compare with products tested overseas to different standards and the correlations that can be drawn. His presentation can be found here.

David Youseff – Lacrosse Building Façade Fire, Melbourne, Australia
David discusses the Lacrosse Building façade fire that occurred in Melbourne in 2013 how it occurred and the lessons to be learned. His presentation can be found here.

Hans Gerlich – Post fire stability of boundary walls
Hans discusses the requirements for post fire stability contained in NZBC B1/VM1 and how this is applied in practice to a boundary wall. His presentation can be found here.

Ben Hume and Kevin Weller – Should we Model Sprinkler Cooling
Ben and Kevin discuss the effect of cooling from sprinklers and how this affects the design outcome compared to when the effect is ignored as is suggested in the current NZBC C/VM2 approach. Their presentation can be found here.