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Origin Fire has embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming an employee-owned company. We believe that the experiences and insights of our employee shareholders are invaluable to this journey. With that in mind, we share their unique perspectives on what it means to be a shareholder at Origin Fire and how this transition is shaping their roles, responsibilities, and aspirations within the company, as well as the company itself.

Meet Our Shareholders

“I’ve dedicated over 12 years to this company, and I find genuine enjoyment in working under Michael’s guidance.”

“Being an employee shareholder deepens my sense of ownership and commitment to the company.”

“It means a sense of pride and responsibility to help grow the company as best as I can.”

“Being an employee shareholder in the company is a truly rewarding experience… I feel a deeper connection to the company’s vision, values, and long-term goals.”

“It expresses my willingness to take up more responsibilities… I feel rewarded being a shareholder, strong sense of ownership from day one.”

Personal Journeys and Inspiration

Sajeesh reflects on his journey with the company spanning over 12 years, saying “serving Origin Fire for well over a decade, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing our company’s remarkable growth. From a small team of three, we’ve flourished into a diverse workforce of over 18 dedicated professionals. My journey here has been shaped by the incredible opportunities and exciting projects that Origin Fire consistently offers. As I stepped into the role of a shareholder, I recognised the need to embrace greater responsibilities, a commitment I wholeheartedly stand by.”

Expanding Horizons

Diane Chen, a Passive Fire Engineer and Fire Protection Engineer, emphasises that becoming an employee shareholder offers opportunities for personal growth and expansion of knowledge and skills . She views it as a transition from being an employee to making a deeper commitment to the organisation. “It elevates our sense of ownership and dedication. It’s a progression from being just an employee to becoming an integral part of the business,” says Diane.

Impact and New Challenges

The transition to an employee-owned model, as described by Sajeesh, comes at a time when New Zealand is facing economic challenges. Employees like Sajeesh acknowledge the need for taking on more responsibility to keep the company resilient during tough times. Challenges include excelling in the existing market, marketing efforts, and winning new projects.

Contributions to Success

Employee shareholders like Diane are actively engaged in refining the company’s mission, vision, and values through marketing. Their deep involvement and insights drawn from their experiences are viewed as crucial for success. Diane is committed to leveraging her experiences to further contribute to the  company’s success.

A New Perspective

Vincent Selvakumar, Passive Fire Engineer, shares his perspective on the transition. For Vincent, becoming a shareholder means taking on more responsibility and deepening his commitment to help grow the company. It’s about a sense of pride and responsibility. He describes the challenges he faced and how the transition provided him with the opportunity to learn about the business side of things. Vincent notes, “it’s an exciting shift that allows me to play an active role in the company’s growth and development. The transition has urged me to see the bigger picture, beyond the technical aspects.”

Fostering Collaboration and Innovation

The employee ownership model at Origin Fire Consultants fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation. Vincent points out that employees are taking on more responsibilities and working across teams. This collaborative spirit leads to creative problem-solving and new ways of thinking. Vincent sees this as a shift from working as individual silos to a more collaborative approach, which is a sentiment that Sherry Wang, Fire Engineer, also agrees with. She says, “my focus has changed from primarily concentrating on my individual tasks to also paying more attention and effort towards the company’s and my colleagues’ development.”

Benefits for All

The benefits of the employee ownership model extend to employees, clients, and the organisation. It creates a sense of ownership and commitment among employees, leading to more quality and cost-effective work for clients. Origin believes that clients benefit from employees who are focused on delivering value and building trust, rather than treating projects as routine jobs.

Enhanced Client Relationships

The transition to employee ownership has had a positive impact on the company’s approach to client relationships. Shareholders are now more client-focused, proactively establishing and nurturing relationships. As a result, clients have a broader range of contacts within the company, enhancing communication and satisfaction. This Intensified emphasis on client engagenment is anticipated to foster greater loyalty.

Inspiration for the Future

As employee shareholders, the team offers advice to colleagues considering a similar path. Their insights revolve around learning new skills, taking on responsibilities, and focusing on personal development. “Joining our team opens up abundant opportunities for advancing your career,” explains Vincent.

Aspirations for Growth

Looking ahead, Origin’s employee shareholders share their aspirations. Mona Liu, Technical Operations Manager and Fire Engineer, envisions contributing to the company’s growth and ensuring it remains a company where people want to work and can flourish. “Shareholders are actively engaged in the company’s growth and success, with the goal of providing services for many years to come,” she says.

Contributions to Long-Term Success

Sajeesh Nair looks forward to a future where the company thrives. In his view, by continously reviewing the structure of the company will ensure a stable and sustainable structure that can support the company’s growth.

For Diane Chen, the aim is to broaden her knowledge and skills. She views her journey as a chance for both personal and professional growth development. With a focus on career advancement, she intends to delve further into the technical and marketing aspects.

Vincent Selvakumar, a passionate learner and contributor, intends to focus on technical skills. He believes in the long-term value of building his reputation in the field. Vincent is also looking forward to taking on more leadership responsibilities to further the company’s growth.

Sherry Wang sees her future as one of continued development and growth. She aims to contribute to the company’s expansion, emphasising the importance of sustaining a supportive culture, strong work ethics, and aligned values.

Mona Liu, with her experience spanning six years at Origin, sees the transition as a unique chance to deepen her role within the company. She aspires to take on more responsibilities and aims to positively influence the company’s future.

As our employee shareholders take on new roles and responsibilities, they collectively contribute to the long-term growth and prosperity of Origin Fire Consultants. Their dedication to professional development, client relationships, and an enduring commitment to the company’s values ensures that the future of Origin Fire Consultants remains promising and prosperous.