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Employee comings and goings through 2019

We’ve seen some changes within the company this year. We said goodbye to Jen as he moved to a new job closer to home and we also said goodbye to Andrea who is pursuing new opportunities. Aaron took up a position with Team New Zealand. He joined us on our party night which gave us the opportunity to quiz him on his new job. It’s always a shame to see people leave the office but good to stay in contact and hear what they are up to.

Christmas function at Tasca Café | Origin FireMona had a baby boy and she is now on maternity leave with her new son Theo. And, while he’s still working for Origin, Pierre relocated to Queenstown.

We’ve welcomed new people to Origin too. Sherry has been here a whole year now, and has settled in well. Vincent has joined us, bringing a background and experience in mechanical engineering and project management, and he certainly wasn’t impressed when the smoke from the Convention Centre fire crept into his Albert St apartment. Emily is our newest team member, right now helping us get clear on our business vision, keen to make why we do what we do very clear for us and for our clients.

And now it’s Christmas

Origin Fire Team at Christmas function at Tasca CaféTo kick start the festive season and acknowledge a hard working year for the team, we had our Christmas function at Tasca Café, the Spanish tapas bar on Nuffield St in the heart of Newmarket. Brightly decorated, relaxed casual seating and a cosy atmosphere, Tasca is a perfect for everyone to enjoy food and drink and the ability to mix and mingle.

We had a game to get the evening underway and this was a hit yet again. We all had a country flag pinned on our back and we had to guess the country by asking each other yes/no questions. There were two parts to the game. First we had to find our flag twin. Then, with our team mate, we had to unscramble the names of the countries represented by the flags on our backs. It seemed like a simple enough game but it certainly kept us entertained for quite some time.

We wish everyone a very enjoyable festive season and look forward to what the new year brings.