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IMG_1338As a follow on from Origin Fire’s conference workshop on Gratitude and Appreciation, managing director Michael James decided to treat each of his team to a bouquet of flowers. The event was called “Flowers Friday Appreciation”.

The local florist Iain Stephens created twelve individual arrangements to symbolise that everyone on the team is unique and special. The team was told on Monday that there would be a surprise for them on Friday. Despite a few attempts to prise information out of Michael as to what was planned, he remained tight lipped. Part of the plan was to give everyone something fun to look forward to.

IMG_1331Friday rolled around and at 3pm the flowers were dropped off. It was indeed a surprise and everyone took turns at choosing their own bouquet of flowers. Some of the team found it very hard to choose as the arrangements were all very beautiful. The team were thanked for the different skills they bring to the table and appreciated for all the hard work that they do to make Origin Fire the successful company that it is.