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Something special happened on the morning of day three at FireNZ 2017 when Origin’s Michael James welcomed attendees to the inaugural SFPEx 2017 event. Adopting TED’s mission ‘ideas worth spreading’ Michael invited six young fire engineers to present at a TED-like event where the community comprised colleagues from around the country.

SFPEx 2017 was created by Michael to let young fire engineers present their work. Certainly, this was not on the main stage, but ultimately it was standing room only during this hugely successful two hours, where over 70 attendees supported and acknowledged their peers.

The rules were simple. Presenters had 10 – 12 minutes only. There was no Q&A. In the spirit of the event applause was loud and long. And, acknowledging the tremendous work the young engineers had put into their presentations, Michael had gifts for each.

Michael said the event exceeded his expectations. “I was thrilled with the inaugural event. Origin’s fire engineer Sajeesh Nair presented his research into and work on smouldering fires. I know how much hard work and practice he put into his presentation and I suspect it was the same for all speakers who brought their own special wit, style and enthusiasm to the task which made for a lively informative time for us all.”

Congratulations to the tremendous speaker line-up at SFPEx 2017

SFPExSee Sajeesh Nair’s presentation here on Smouldering Fire.

The SFPEx presentations by emerging professionals initiated by Michael and inspired by the TEDx style presentations was a highlight for me. The topics discussed were all very interesting and I think SFPEx was a great success! – Jen Tan, Origin Fire.