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This year our Christmas party was held at local eatery Artusi, in their lovely outdoor gazebo in Remuera Village.

Origin Fire Team Christmas PartyWe started with a game of ‘guess which famous person I am’ where we asked each other only yes/no questions. This was a great way to introduce ourselves to all our guests and make everyone feel welcome.

Some of us liked the game so much we chose more than one famous person and continued to play the game well into the evening. Throughout the evening wait staff brought out enticing platters and mini burgers to accompany our drinks of choice. The evening ended on a note of real contentment, acknowledging the enjoyment of having spent time together in a relaxed setting.

In 2018 we have actively worked on our well being, most notably through our weekly participation in yoga classes at Contempory Yoga. Our final classes for the year are taking a slightly different focus, designed to enhance our creativity and keep us grounded and better able to cope with challenges that emerge through the work day.

Contempory Yoga with the Origin Fire TeamWe have also scrutinised our programming of work flow to ensure the right level of attention to one thing at a time is paced out, whilst reducing the urgency around everything appearing essential to be done immediately. Michael James is noticing the difference. He’s feeling more in control of his escalating workload and sees his teams benefitting from improved planning. Work is more evenly distributed around the office so staff feel supported.

It’s important to us to cultivate a productive happy work environment. We have actively worked at more efficient work processes, we have assessed our workloads and we’re continuing to refine how we present our work to the client.

We’re looking forward to seeing and working with our clients and colleagues in 2019.

Wendy James